
Agent Testimonial

Kwsp offered me an opportunity to do everything I love to do... sell real estate, acquire the maximum knowledge of our industry thru amazing training, teach others as a mentor and belong to their Leadership Council allowing me to make decisions to help mold the direction of the office. On top of all that profit sharing to create a retirement income. After 32 years of Real estate experience, I am more excited for my future than ever before!!!

— Laura Ianiro

Agent Testimonial

Changing real estate companies is not an easy decision. When I decided to change from my current real estate company to Keller Williams I was not quite sure I was making the right decision. Two years later I can tell you that it was the best decision I ever made. The people, the support and the systems are far superior to anything I have seen in the industry. At Keller Williams I always feel like my broker, owners and management have my back.

— Lisa Temple

Agent Testimonial

Keller Williams Shore Properties has not only changed my career, but it has truly changed my life. I went from being an agent working for a broker to being a business owner. This company has brought my amazing career to levels I never imagined while teaching me how to leverage my business through other people, allowing me more time with family.

— Joy Bearden

Agent Testimonial

I run my real estate business as a business, strive to build long term wealth for my team and my family. I wanted to align myself with the best group of like-minded people with the highest level of integrity so that's why I am at Keller Williams Shore Properties. This company changes the lives of it's agents and the communities we serve.

— Marissa DiMare

Agent Testimonial

My father and I moved to Keller Williams going on 2 plus years now. The initial move was like most other agents, a better compensation plan, the ability to keep more money in our own pockets and learn how to create a better team concept. However once you step foot into their doors your eyes open up in a new way and experience how a Real Estate office should be run. They are there to teach you new ideas and help you learn from successful agents through masterminds sessions and agent panels. They constantly have new seminars helping you create a better work/family balance and show agents how to succeed in today’s market. What also sets them apart from the rest is the way they create a real family like environment. They are always there to help guide you in the right direction not only for your professional goals but your personal goals as well.

— Timothy O'Shea Sr. & Jr.

Agent Testimonial

At Keller Williams Shore Properties the atmosphere is positive and learning based. Our leadership encourages each us to be the best we can be and the focus is on the agents. I can’t imagine working anywhere else.

— Diana Morgan